Dwight Arthur, bka Tito was born September 16, 1954 in Cleveland, Ohio to the late Warner and Mae Lewis.


He is the oldest of 6 children, the father of 4 children, the grandfather of 11 grandchildren and the great grandfather of 3 great grandchildren.


At the age of 9 Tito took interest in playing the guitar (lead & bass) and became very experienced in playing gospel music.


Tito took his passion for singing from his parents and his grandmother the late Annie Lee Ridgeway.


In 1969, Tito began singing with the Sons of Harmony of Cleveland, OH.


In 1970, Tito ended with the sons of harmony and began singing The Golden Harmonizers on and off from 1970 to 1977.


In 1973, Tito had the opportunity to sing and play for the Swan Silvertones of Pittsburgh, PA.


In 1974, Tito played  Bass for the Gerald Sisters of Mullins, SC


In 1975-1976, Tito was with the Blind Boys of Mississippi.


In 1977, Tito left the Golden Harmonizers and began his career with Robert Blair and the Fantastic Violinaires where he has traveled the world singing and playing the guitar. Throughout many life challenges and changes with the group Tito held on and he’s now the lead singer of Robert Blair’s Original Fantastic Violinaires.


Tito enjoy singing, laughing and joking with family and friends, playing cards, and praising God every chance he gets.

             Elder Gaston Battle/Former Pastor of Charity Fellowship Ministry, Gastonia, NC



Elder Gaston Lee Battle was born and raised in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, and at an early age learned about the love of Jesus.                                                          


His Christian upbringing began in a lithe Church called Gethsemane G. Holy Church, sitting by the railroad tracks, in a little town called Battleboro, North Carolina, where the Pastor was Elder J.H. Dickens; a man saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost.  Elder Dickens only had a third grade education; but through the anointed power of God, he learned to read the whole Bible, and when he died, at the age of eighty-eight, he was called the “Walking Bible”.


Elder Battle’s mother raised him alone after the death of his father, when he was only four years old.  She planted in him seeds of faith, believing that God would take care of her family if she only trusted in Him, and at the age of twelve he was baptized in an old farm pond, as the saints sang “take me to the water, to be baptized”.  


At the age of twenty-one, Pastor Battle became a member of “The Fantastic Violinaires” of Detroit, Michigan, where he traveled all over the United States and to Freeport and Nassau Bahamas, playing and singing songs to the glory of God.  He wrote several songs which made it to the gospel Billboard charts: “Today is the Day” and “Just Talk to Jesus” made it to the Billboard gospel music top ten list across the country in the 80s and can still be seen and heard on YouTube, along with a list of other songs that he has written.


During this time, Pastor Battle had the opportunity to perform on stage with various artists, such as: Dr. James Cleveland, Pastor Shirley Caesar, Dorothy Norwood, Albertina Walker, Bill and Essie Moss (parents of new artist, J. Moss), the Mighty clouds of Joy, the Five Blind Boys of Alabama and Mississippi, The Canton spirituals, The Christianaires, Willie Banks, and a host of others.


In 1987 the Lord led Pastor Battle to move to Charlotte, NC.  After six months of living in Charlotte, the Lord led him to leave the singing group.  It was during this time of searchingthat the power of God began to prepare him for ministry.  God sanctified and filled him with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues on the floor of Pentecostal Temple Church of God in Christ (now Sherman Memorial), under the leadership of Bishop J. H. Sherman.


Elder Battle became a member of New Myers Chapel FBH Church (now Greater Myers Chapel PFM) in the summer of 1988, and he grew in the knowledge of the Word of God under the anointed ministry of Bishop Nathan J. Anderson. It was in this Church that Elder Battle had the opportunity to serve as a Sunday School teacher and eventually Superintendent of the Sunday School Dept.; Deacon, and eventually Chairman of the Deacon Board.  In 1991 Elder Gaston Battle accepted the call of God to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and in 1994 he was ordained in the Fire Baptized Holiness Church organization under the leadership of Bishop William Fuller Jr.


In December 8, 2002, Bishop Anderson received a call from a group of believers in Gastonia, NC, who were contemplating whether to continue a ministry or to disperse.  During the same time God had prepared the heart of Pastor Battle to begin a new ministry, and he had asked God to give him a group of people ready to work.  God joined the two together and ElderBattle was sent to Gastonia, NC under the apostolic covering of Bishop Anderson.  Out of the joining of members and Pastor Battle was birthed the vision that God had given to their leader: “Charity Fellowship Ministry”.


God confirmed through the witness of the Holy Spirit that this was Elder Battle’s assignment for this hour.  Miracles weremanifested through God’s power and obedience to His holy word.


In 2005 God blessed Elder Battle with the opportunity to go to St. Ann’s Bay, Jamaica with a Missionary group from a Holiness Church in Nashville, NC to teach and preach the gospel in Churches in the Mimes, Keith, and Content Districts of Jamaica in Vacation Bible School.  With the group that he was with 187 people were saved and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior.  One incident of a man in his eighties in a nursing home with no air conditioner stayed on his mind.  As he and another minister passed by the bed, the man reached out his hand, and Elder Battle asked the man if he wanted to give his life to Jesus, and the old man nodded yes.  He and the other man began to pray the prayer of faith and the man began to crytears of joy.  


It had been prophesied to Elder Battle seven years earlier that someone would send him a plane ticket to go somewhere to preach the gospel and they wouldn’t even know him.  Thisprophetic was confirmed by this trip because a lady in Nashville, NC had already paid for the ticket to go to Jamaica, but the Lord led her to stay home and pray for the nation of Israel, and that left an open seat.  It was a free ticket there and back and the Lord provided funds from the group and my Bishop’s Church for food and support for the mission.     In 1998 God allowed him to start a radio ministry called “Deliverance In God’s Word, which has been on several stations in the Charlotte, NC area and in Tennessee in the past,and now can be heard each Saturday on WDVA in Danville, Va. and Streamed online internationallh.  He has also served as the Chairman of the Board of Presbytery in War Fellowship Ministries, International under the leadership of Bishop Nathan J. Anderson; and he was affiliated with World Harvest Ministerial Fellowship in Columbus, Ohio.

Elder Battle is now an ordained minister under the covering of the United Churches of Jesus Apostolic, where the Presiding Prelate is the Honorable Bishop Willie Davis Jr.  


Elder Battle is married to the daughter of the late Bishop Robert Kellam, Mrs. Darcell Kellam Battle and in April of 2018 the two of them launched a new Gospel Music Company called Battlejoy Music Co., which markets gospel music over the internet through all of the digital stores both in the US and Internationally.  


Elder Battle has found out, through God’s Spirit, that revelation of the Word of God can bring humanity to the place where God expects His people to be in life, and to live as God desires us all to live; a life filled with the joy, happiness and the prosperity (wholeness) of His Kingdom as we serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

Reverend Dr. Frank Thompson Jr. Manager of Robert Blair's Original Fantastic Violinaires.  Earn threre degrees in theology. Retired Pastor of thirty years in the Baptist Faith. Believer in Christ our Lord.Thank you,Rev/ Dr Frank Thompson Jr. 

Born 4/10/1957 in Princeton NC, resides in Clayton NC.  He is married to Gretchen Williams.  He has two children LaVell and LaGreta.  Larry Williams song with The Golden Keys of Princeton, Willis Pittman and the Burden Lifters and now Robert Blair's Original Fantastic Violinaires.